Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Next Chapter- Surabaya, the 1st few days

I arrived on Saturday June 30th about 3:30 in the afternoon. I was met at the airport by one of the school's drivers and he took me to my house. I was greeted by two of the ladies from school that work in Human Resources. I was given a quick tour of my house. They had some breakfast food for me and some basic items like toilet paper and a few dishes. The driver took me to a restaurant close by and I got a meal to take away as I was very hungry. The rest of the evening I just worked on creating a list of things I thought I would need to buy and taking my bags upstairs and deciding where I wanted some of the items in them. Sunday I slept in until almost 10a.m. The house is very quiet and the bed comfortable, so I slept hard. At 1p.m. another school driver came and took me to the Super Mall so I could do some shopping. I was there until 5p.m. It was challenging to find the items I needed. I finally was able to get internet set up and I thought my phone set up. I got some cleaning supplies and a few other household items and some food as I don't know what I want to cook yet, since I have really been able to cook for two years unless I went to a friend's house to do it. Then it was back to my house to unpack the things that I had bought. Since I now had Internet I worked on uploading pictures of my house for my friends and family to see. I was also able to call my maternal grandparents to wish them a happy 62nd anniversary. On Monday I woke up early as I could hear workers outside my window talking loudly. It was good that I did though, because probably about ten minutes after that a guy from school arrived to take my passport and set up things for my visa. I caught up with friends on Facebook and talked to them about my new place. Then the Executive Director from school stopped by. There had been a miscommunication and he didn't realize I was here already. He offered to take me around, but I told him I was set for now. Then the rest of the day I worked on doing some more cleaning, unpacking and reading. The rest of the week I worked on shopping to furnish my new house and unpacking the items I brought with me.

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